Indonesia: 4 a.m. wakeup call is more than worth it

When traveling to Indonesia, I would expect beaches and relaxation. The only decisions to be made involve choosing between a banana or strawberry daiquiri; and beach or pool. But there’s more to this country besides the beaches, and that’s why waking up at 4 a.m. was worth it on a recent stay.

By 4:30 a.m. that day in Magelang, I had an orange sarong wrapped around my waist and a flashlight in my hands. I followed the narrow paths of light carried by people in front of me so I could see where we were going. I really didn’t know what we were climbing up. Once the sidewalk ended, we encountered some sort of alleged security, where they took our tickets and we walked through a scanner. Then we were walking up steep, then steeper, rock stairs. By the time we reached the top, my body was warmed up and ready for a run. But, we were just there to sit and wait for the sunrise.

We spent that morning climbing over a ninth-century Buddhist temple by the name of Borobudur. I could use a bunch of adjectives to tell you what this is like, but instead, here are some photos.

Borobudur 003

Borobudur 026

Borobudur 023

Borobudur 025

Borobudur 013

Borobudur 008

Borobudur 032

Borobudur 028

Jakarta is also a cool city to visit. At the very least, how many people do you know have been there? Exactly. Not many. But the capital is worth visiting — just walking around is great, if you don’t mind heat and crowds. The Jakarta History Museum has impressive artifacts — my favorite being the ancient statues — and good, free tour guides who speak English well. Visit the Gereja Katedral, then walk across the street to the Istiglal Mosque.

A first experience in a mosque

This was our first mosque to ever enter, so we got a guide who my husband had read about. As we entered the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, a bored-looking man slumped in a chair behind a small desk gestured and grunted for us to take our shoes off. We did so, walking to where other people were dropping their shoes off to another man who put them in cubbies.

“Not so fast,” is what he might have been saying in his native tongue as he ushered us away from here. He took us to another man who supposedly spoke English. This man led us to a locked room, where we put our shoes in some other cubbies and signed a guest book, noting our names, where we’re from and our religion.

I can’t say the tour was good, but that’s only because I couldn’t understand a single word the guy was quietly mumbling. We walked up the marble staircases in our bare feet to overlook the main prayer room. There was a barricade not quite in the middle of the room: The smaller portion was for women, the larger for men, to pray.

It wasn’t really crowded in there, but those who were there were kneeling and bowing down ahead of them, opposite our direction. Above them was a giant, gold dome. Turned off TV screens were everywhere. We took some awkward pictures of the space around us before slapping our feet on the cold ground elsewhere.

We walked through some water, leftover from cleaning the ground, to an outdoor prayer space. The ground was all brick, with white bricks making rectangles around red bricks, noting the individual places for prayer. This also indicated the correct orientation toward Mecca. Once again, the space for men was larger than that for women, this one overwhelmingly so.

Around these outdoor spaces were covered walkways, heavily populated with what looked like homeless people. Most were still, lying flat asleep. Others were just hanging out. A couple of women were giving each other manicures. One guy begged to us. They all looked needy.

We walked back to the secret locked room for the special cubbies, where our guide did clearly pronounce the word for “donation.” We slipped a bill in and tipped our guide.

Bali lives up to its exotic name, plus monkeys!

If you’ve never been to Bali, it sounds like a cool place, doesn’t it? Even the two-syllable word has a sound that makes you think it must be something special. For a lot of people, they think of white beaches and warm temperatures, and that’s true. And while I enjoyed that part of the island, that’s not what drew me to this part of Indonesia.

You can see the culture of the country and Bali through dances, food and its people. But the best place to do this may be to go to the cultural center, Ubud.

I’ve always wanted to go to Bali. Admittedly, the only reason we added Ubud to our itinerary was because of some yogis I follow on social media who say it’s a great place to go. All of Bali is picturesque, but for quaint shops, monkeys and yoga, go to Ubud.

Ubud Monkey Forest

Monkey in the Monkey Forest (Photo by Michael Danser)

Walking along the main streets in the morning, the air is crisp and the people are quiet. Little offerings smoking with incense are in front of most shops, making it easier to just walk in the street. Rice terraces are your backdrop when you’re not on the shopping streets. It’s a small town that invigorates you just by walking through it by yourself. And, if you’re up for it, take a 90-minute yoga class at the Yoga Barn to see the best view you’ve ever had while in Virabhadrasana.

Ubud Monkey Forest

Monkeys are anything but shy in their home of Ubud’s Monkey Forest. (Photo by Michael Danser)

And, of course, there are monkeys. Actually, the little creatures that roam through Ubud Monkey Forest are Macaques, and they are anything but gentle and calm. When you walk through this park, which is a beautiful forest worth seeing without animals, they clamor right up to you, ready to take food you may have for them or to steal your iPhone. (It’s rumored that people train the monkeys to do this — they take an iPhone, and that person rewards them — supposedly.)

Ubud Monkey Forest

The monkeys aren’t the only thing to see in this forest. It’s pleasant to walk around in without the animals. (Photo by Michael Danser)

Ubud Monkey Forest

The forest is sacred for its Hindu temples. (Photo by Michael Danser)

Just outside of Ubud are spots to see growing coffee and cocao beans and taste the product. There are also a number of temples to visit. If you’ve ever had an extended stay in Asia, you’ll know the feeling of being “templed out.” Temples are everywhere. They’re cool at first, but after a while, the smell of incense and chanting all runs together. But every so often, some — such as those in Bali — stand out.

Gunung Kawi

Gunung Kawi is an assortment of ancient shrines carved in rock. This Hindu temple is from the 11th century and is surrounded by rice paddies and tall, green trees. As with most cool attractions in this country, you have to wear a sarong (a strip of fabric you just tie around your waist) and go up and down about 300 steps. (Photo by Michael Danser)

Tirta Empul

Drive out a little farther, and you’ll see Tirta Empul in Tampaksiring, a holy water temple where people can bathe in holy springs. It’s crowded for people who get in and people who watch the others. (Photo by Michael Danser)

Bali is filled with tourists, from Indonesia and outside. If you don’t feel it while walking around, you can really see them at a Kecak Fire and Trance Dance. This performance of staccato chants and dancing, all in an entrancing red light, is nothing like I’ve seen. Take a look at the video for a better look.

Ubud doesn’t have an airport, so you have to get a driver to take you back to Denpasar. The drive is a whole lot better if you stop at some key points along the way, such as these.

 Ulun Danu Beratan Temple

Being at Ulun Danu Bratan Temple is surreal. Its backdrop of Beratan Lake and rolling hills makes it look too pretty to be real. 9Photo by Michael Danser)

Munduk Waterfall Bali

If you haven’t seen enough water falling during your other travels, this one has a fairly leisurely walk down and up. Munduk has a long drop through the dense forest. (Photo by Taylor Danser)

Jatiluwih rice terraces

Does the sight of rice terraces ever get old? I think not. Even after seeing them in the Philippines and Vietnam, these in Jatiluwih were beautiful to walk through. (Photo by Taylor Danser)

Tanah Lot Bali

Tanah Lot is an incredible place. This is a common belief, as when we went, it was the most crowded place we visited. Temples are on the edge of cliffs, one of them is even on a small rock-island that you have to swim or walk a bit through the ocean to get to. (As with other temples, you can’t go in, just take a peek.) Waves crash into these westward-facing cliffs, which would be perfect to visit at sunset. (Photo by Taylor Danser)